Friday 6 January 2012


aku ade masalah besar...tapi pada waktu yg same, suami aku pun ngah ade masalah...aku xtau nak luahkan kat sape...kalau aku luahkan pun, belum tentu org 2 dapat bantu aku...aku hanye mampu ngadu kat Allah je..semoga tuhan bantu aku tuk selesaikan masalah ni...sorry abg, org xdapat cite kat abg coz org xnak abang bertambah xnak tambahkan masalah abg...mintak maaf sbb org xmampu nak selesaikan masalah abg..kadang2 org rase org ni xgune langsung untuk abg...sori...semoga ade hikmah disebalik ape yg tengah berlaku ni....

Thursday 5 January 2012

2012 means i am 22. nothing more~

i have to admit that i am no longer a teenager now, i am a wife for a Man, and will become a mother for a child soon, my own child.. so, should i change my behavior, mind, attire and etc bcoz of that? i'm happy to be long as i didn't involve in any fault n sin, i think it is ok 4 me to continuously acting like diz. but, i feel mad to whom who often make my husband sad.. she is 26 years old but she has a stinky+black+dirty heart even working in Islamic institution as a teacher. 26 years old is the age where someone already achieved their maturity stage and always thinking about death and the life at the hereafter... doesn't she think that making someone sad is sin? truthfully, my unborn child and me automatically feel the similar sadness to what my husband feel, if i have a license to kill someone, for sure, she is the first and the last human being that i'm going to kill...   sigh~